We are excited that our teachers can benefit from the grant programme of the European Union Erasmus+ and gain international experience through it, as well as improving methods of teaching and management and obtaining an attractive portfolio of opportunities for teachers.
Key activity 1 (KA1) Individual Mobility supports the mobility of employees – offers opportunities to teachers to gain experience with studying or working abroad.
Our school takes part in employee mobility in school education as well as in adult education. The activities include one or more of the following activities:
- Structured courses – support the expert development of teachers or school management,
- Job Shadowing -Offers teachers or school management members the chance to spend time observing the work in a partner school abroad.
The programme offers the participants professional development, which increases the quality of education provision for our pupils and students.
Erasmus 2020 - KA104
year 2020
Name: Zvyšovanie profesionálneho rozvoja učiteľov v 21. storočí
Number of project: 2020-1-SK01-KA104-078050
Duration: 01. 9. 2020 until 31. 8. 2022 (prolonged)
Donor: SAAIC - Národná agentúra programu Erasmus+ pre vzdelávanie a odbornú prípravu

Name: Zvyšovanie profesionálneho rozvoja učiteľov v 21. storočí
Number of project: 2020-1-SK01-KA104-078050
Duration: 01. 9. 2020 until 31. 8. 2022 (prolonged)
Donor: SAAIC - Národná agentúra programu Erasmus+ pre vzdelávanie a odbornú prípravu

- DELTA Module 1
- DELTA Module 2
- Develop your First Self-Paced Online Course
- IH Roma - job shadowing 1, job shadowing 2
- ICT Tools for a Creative and Collaborative Classroom
- ICT as a Tool for Student Centered Classroom
- Digital Marketing Training for Educational Staff
- Life Coaching for Teachers
- Discussion Tools for Teaching and Learning
- Soft Skills and Emotional Intelligence for teachers and education staff
- Innovations in Language Teaching Methodology
- 21st Century & Approach to Adult education
- Towards E-learning Online Course Development
- Educational Management & School Leadership
Erasmus 2020 - KA101
Name: Byť pripravený učiť deti v 21. storočí. 4 „K“ pre výnimočné vyučovanie
Number of project: 2020-1-SK01- KA101-078048
Duration: 01. 9. 2020 do 31. 8. 2022
Donor: SAAIC - Národná agentúra programu Erasmus+ pre vzdelávanie a odbornú prípravu.
Number of participants: 13

Number of project: 2020-1-SK01- KA101-078048
Duration: 01. 9. 2020 do 31. 8. 2022
Donor: SAAIC - Národná agentúra programu Erasmus+ pre vzdelávanie a odbornú prípravu.
Number of participants: 13

- Introducing Project Based Learning in the Classroom
- A Project Management System for a Better Quality of Teaching – Barcelona
- Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and Digital Based Learning – Barcelona
- Digital Games and Story Telling- Paris
- Student-centered Classroom: Teachers as Promoters of Active Learning! – Dublin
- BUILDING A POSITIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT- Classroom management, communication skills, effective teaching and learning (6-day)- Cyprus
- Audio-visuals and Social Media – Barcelona -2 Week Course
- Motivation+ in Sevilla, Spain
- Soft Skills for Strong Teacher- Dublin
- Applying non-formal education in schools and adult education organizations
- Teach With a Twist! Motivate you Students with Creative Teaching Strategies
- Innovative approaches to teaching - Praha
- Stress Management and Burnout Prevention - Split
- Learn to Teach English and any Subject with Drama - Amsterdam
Erasmus 2019 & 2018
Year 2019
Name: Cesta európskej spolupráce
Number of project: 2019-1-SK01-KA104-060251
Duration: 01. 06. 2019 until 30. 09. 2020
Donor: SAAIC - Národná agentúra programu Erasmus+ pre vzdelávanie a odbornú prípravu
Name: Cesta európskej spolupráce
Number of project: 2019-1-SK01-KA104-060251
Duration: 01. 06. 2019 until 30. 09. 2020
Donor: SAAIC - Národná agentúra programu Erasmus+ pre vzdelávanie a odbornú prípravu
- mobility of 8 teachers
- jobshadowing of 2 managers
- opening of CELTA centre in Slovakia - training of 2 tutors