TEPC - učenie prípravných kurzov

Ak pripravujete vašich študentov na anglickú jazykovú skúšku alebo na maturitu z anglického jazyka, kurz IH TEPC je ten správny metodický kurz pre vás. Môžete sa tu podeliť so svojimi skúsenosťami a dostanete aj metodologickú podporu od skúsených akademikov.

Why to take the TEPC (Teaching Exam preparation) course?

Even teachers with experience can find exam classes challenging to teach. Firstly the stakes are higher. There is a clear result for the students at the end and failure in the exam can be costly. As a teacher you want to give your students the best chance of passing and your impact in terms of motivation, organisation and feedback on their performance can be decisive. Secondly, you may find that the most effective approach to take and the type of activities you use is somewhat different to other classes you teach. Thirdly, you may find that you need more specific and detailed knowledge of the exams themselves and tips and ideas for preparing students for success.

It is suitable for recently qualified TEFL/TESOL teachers with an interest in improving in this area quickly and for more experienced teachers who find themselves teaching exam classes for the first time.

Registration form
Aim of the course
The course aims to give you practical ideas and techniques for helping learners prepare for exams. The seminars are highly practical, covering activities and techniques used in the exam preparation classroom. The course will orient participants to typical exam tasks and focus on the four language skills (which typically form the basis of exam assessment) as well as grammar and vocabulary. Two key threads in the course will deal with how we can teach learners as well as test them and how we can keep learners energised and motivated. By the end of the course you will have a greater understanding of how to approach teaching exam classes. You will have looked at a range of teaching materials and activities which can be used in exam classes. You will have an understanding of how to train learners in key strategies for English exams and you will have looked at how the English oral and written exams are assessed. Our team of trainers are highly experienced and qualified teachers and teacher trainers. They all have a specialist interest in teaching exam classes and experience in creating dynamic and enjoyable online training courses.
Erasmus + / OID E10155217
Course content
There are five sessions which will require you to do a variety of exercises, reading and practical tasks. In some tasks you will be invited to try something out with your students (if you are currently teaching an exam class) and report back. You will receive feedback from an experienced tutor on your work.
A typical course timetable looks like this (although there may be some variations depending on the needs of the participants):
Content of the Teaching Exam Preparation course
Exam formats
The Papers and Exam focus
Paper 1: Reading and Use of English
Paper 2: Writing
Paper 3: Listening
Paper 4: Speaking
Mock Exams, Tracking Progress, Understanding the Statement of Results
Observation of an exam class taught by the trainer(s) and completing an Observation Task form,
Post-observation Feedback using the trainees’ notes from the observation,
Lesson Planning, Course Planning
Practical Teaching Component
Observed Teaching Practice
Teaching Practice Self- reflection and Group Feedback
Dates and fees
Course dates:
Face to face intensive course:
August 2023 (Register before 31.7.2023)
Course fee: 390€
(Our teachers and partner schools in Slovakia have a discount. )

What you get from TEPC course

The International House Bratislava Teaching Exam Preparation Classes certificate, which is awarded to participants who complete course requirements satisfactorily - including 100% attendance and active participation in seminars, will state that you have passed the course, outline the components of the course in detail and state the length of the course.

Odozvy účastníkov kurzu Teaching Exam Preparation course:
Dobrý deň,
posielam krátku spätnú väzbu:
Kurz nielen splnil, ale prekonal moje očakávania. Uvítala som, že sme sa podrobne zaoberali podobou testov aj praktickými otázkami spojenými s výučbou kurzov pre študentov, ktorí sa na ne pripravujú. Prekvapilo (a potešilo ma), do akej miery sa testové úlohy prekrývajú s maturitnými testami, takže množstvo informácií a konkrétnych úloh využívam už teraz na svojich hodinách. Myslím, že podobný kurz by bol vhodný pre všetkých SŠ učiteľov, ktorí pripravujú svojich žiakov na maturitu, lebo ukazuje, ako viesť hodiny menej monotónne, kreatívnejšie, zábavnejšie a najmä veľmi efektívne. Oceňujem aj prístup lektorky, bola veľmi profesionálna, ale zároveň priateľská, takže som sa na kurze cítila veľmi príjemne - a v takej atmosfére sa učí najlepšie :)
Ďakujem za možnosť absolvovať kurz a želám všetko dobré. S pozdravom,
Diana Ghaniová
Kvalitný metodický kurz, ktorý maximálne splnil naše očakávania. Milé lektorky Laura a Cristina odviedli skvelú prácu a vďaka nim sme získali množstvo užitočných a v praxi využiteľných metodických postupov. Držíme palce v ďalšej práci a tešíme sa na nové kurzy podporujúce moderné trendy vo výučbe angličtiny.
Zuzka, Katka, Bea a Lucka