Konferencia pre učiteľov angličtiny

International House Bratislava v spolupráci s Cambridge University Press & Assessment vás pozývajú na konferenciu pre učiteľov angličtiny.

19-ty. ročník konferencie


25.1.2025 (sobota)

8:00 - 14:00

priestory IH Bratislava, Moskovská 13

Registrácia - ukončená
Fee: 35€ (free of charge for IH teachers and partner schools)

Program 2025
IH ELT Conference Program 2025
* Program sa môže ešte aktualizovať.

Konferenciu organizujeme v spolupráci s:
Cambridge University Press & Assessment
CUP logo

Plenary Speaker

Darren Perrett, Senior Manager (Cambridge University Press & Assessment)IH ELT Conference - speaker Perrett
Darren is a language assessment and learning expert with expertise in developing, designing international English language tests and courses. He was an English teacher high schools for over 10 years and was responsible for the set up of Cambridge CELTA courses and exams in Bohemia. He is currently responsible for ministry level recognition of Cambridge exams and is the regional assessment and learning expert for the UK, Ireland and Central Eastern Europe.

Plenary: Mixed ability classroom
In this plenary we will look at the issues related to teaching in the mixed ability classroom and the ways in which we can overcome these with best practice. We will start at the lower CEFR levels of A2 and B1, focusing on both receptive and productive skills, before moving onto B2 and C1, highlighting tips and strategies for dealing with these classrooms.

Writing assessment standardisation
The purpose of this standardisation workshop is to provide training to experienced teachers on how to assess students' writings at B2 and C1 levels. We will analyse the cut-offs between CEFR levels, identifying the salient points so that you may leave the workshop confident in being able to provide detailed feedback to your own students. You will actively be discussing and making CEFR level decisions in small break-out groups throughout the workshop, so please come prepared to interact.

Laura Bíró
Feedback: I Want More!
Ever find that lessons seem to fall a bit flat when you get to post activity feedback? Or feel that you’re not exploiting this stage enough? Let’s look at ways of jazzing up feedback stages a little bit and exploiting them for all they’re worth.

BIO: Laura Bíró is one of the Directors of Studies at International House Bratislava (IHBA). She has been working there as a teacher of General English, Business English, young learners and teenagers since 2007. She has taught exam preparation classes too and she is also an approved Cambridge Speaking Examiner for all the Cambridge exams (ranging from YLE to CPE). She passed CELTA in 2011 and attended the IH CAM Course (IH Certificate in Advanced Methodology) which she successfully completed in 2013.
Laura is actively involved in teacher training and professional development of both IH and non-IH teachers. She gives workshops, mentors teachers and provides them with advice, guidance and assistance. Also, since becoming a CELTA Trainer in 2020, she has been involved in teacher training in a wider context.

Séan Boudreau
Fun and educational games for teens
People of all ages loves games and they are a great way for students to practice English while having fun. This workshop focuses on several games that require little preparation/materials and can be easily adapted for different levels of language ability. While the workshop will focus on games for a teen audience, these activities can be easily adapted for young learners and adults. Participants to this workshop will play these games in addition to learning about them.

BIO: Sean is a senior teacher at IH Bratislava. In addition to Slovakia, he has worked as a teacher in Italy, Vietnam and the United Kingdom.

Filip Kšenzulák
AI in Education: Tools, Opportunities, and Challenges
Explore AI tools like ChatGPT and Gamma to transform English teaching, while addressing challenges like fake news and AI-generated content. A hands-on workshop for impactful and informed teaching!

BIO: Filip is an ELT teacher, Cambridge examiner, and AI enthusiast. Passionate about integrating technology into education, he explores how tools like ChatGPT can transform learning. As an Erasmus+ coordinator, he also fosters international collaboration and cultural exchange.

Diego De Alava
Understanding and Enhancing 21st Century Motivation in the Classroom
Discover effective strategies for fostering sustainable and meaningful motivation in your classroom with this engaging workshop. Designed for educators, this session will explore the concept of motivation, its key influences, and practical techniques for cultivating a motivated learning environment. Through interactive activities and discussions, you’ll gain insights into how to enhance student engagement, debunk common myths about motivation, and implement strategies that encourage intrinsic motivation. Whether you're looking to inspire your students or create a more motivating classroom atmosphere, this workshop will equip you with the tools to support both academic and personal growth in the 21st century.

BIO: My name is Diego De Alava. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Communication from Florida Gulf Coast University. I began teaching English as a Second Language in Prague, Czech Republic from 2008-2012. In that same time, I became a published author of Simplified novels, English language course guides and had a weekly business dialogue printed in the Czech newspaper, Dnes. From 2012-2023 I was teaching all grade levels and subjects like Math, English, Science and History in Naples, Florida, USA. I moved to Bratislava, Slovakia and have been working for the International House since January of 2024.

Alessandro Stocco
Time Management for busy teachers: fostering a work-life balance
Billy Joel once sang: “You’ve got so much to do and so many hours in a day”. As teachers, we have a very busy schedule that doesn’t simply stop at the hours taught in the classroom. And what about our lives beyond our work? When it’s time to sleep, we can’t help but wonder if we are managing our time well and most importantly, if we are enjoying life without burning out. In this workshop we will reflect on this and discuss some techniques we could use to make our lives easier.

BIO: Alessandro Stocco is an Italian-Australian national who teaches for IH Bratislava. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Languages, Civilisation and Language Sciences and a Master’s Degree in Postcolonial and comparative literatures. Passionate about cultural exchange, in his free time he is also a trainer for the Erasmus Student Network, mostly facilitating workshops related to fostering supportive environments and mental health.

Matthew McGeever
Mind your Language: A Focus on Appropriacy and Register
Formal, informal or semi-formal? 'Yours sincerely' or 'See you soon'? Getting the register of language is important for both successful and appropriate spoken and written communication. In this workshop, we will look at the difficulties some students face when gauging the correct register to use, and some activities to raise awareness of the issue. Using examples from various contexts, we hope to demystify and clarify the appropriate language to use in different situations.

CELTA: What? Why? How?
CELTA is “the most widely recognised English teaching qualification in the world” (www.cambridgeenglish.org) and International House Bratislava is the only authorised centre in Slovakia to provide this course. Come join this workshop to see WHAT is included on a typical CELTA course; WHY the course is special in terms of practical teaching experience and developing student-centred teaching techniques; and HOW to join a course which is best for you (face-to-face or online; full-time or part-time).

BIO: Matthew is one of the Director of Studies at IH Bratislava and he has been working for International House for 14 years. He has taught in 5 countries, at all levels and with all ages. He is fully Delta qualified and has also been a CELTA tutor for over three years. As well as teaching, he is currently involved in developing teacher training and mentoring programmes.

Diarmuid Horan
Differentiated Instructions
Are you striving to meet the needs of every student in your classroom? Join us for an engaging, hands-on workshop on Differentiated Instruction, where we will explore practical strategies to support learners of varying abilities, interests, and needs. Designed for educators, this session will provide tools to foster equity, engagement, and growth in your students while saving time and boosting your confidence as a teacher. Walk away with actionable ideas, real-life examples, and activities you can use immediately in your classroom. Let’s inspire every student to succeed—together!

BIO: I am an experienced ESL teacher with nearly 15 years of teaching expertise. Throughout my career, I have developed a strong passion for language education and have worked with a diverse range of students. In addition to my teaching experience, I'm a certified Cambridge speaking examiner, further enhancing my qualifications in language assessment. Above all, I'm committed to fostering an engaging and effective learning environment while incorporating innovative techniques to support language acquisition and development.

Eva Košuthová
Embodying grammar
Commenius realized that almost 400 years ago. Neuroscientists prove it today. The more senses take part in learning the more thorough and lasting the knowledge is. Embodiment is a way of constructing knowledge through bodily experiences. Often, when we ask our students about the reason for their choice in a grammar exercise, they say “because I feel it “. Let’s learn a few ways of how we can help our students feel the language. Let’s help them gain such experiences which not only help them tick the correct option but help them become confident users of English.
“The body is a metaphor for words and words are a metaphor for the body. “ Tatsumi Hijakata
(in: Erika Piazzoli: Embodying Language in Action)

BIO: Eva Košuthová has been with IH Bratislava since 2008. Over the years she has taught a variety of classes with the focus on primary. She specializes in using drama in education and is always on the lookout for ways to create memorable experiences in the classroom. She is a holder of IHCYLT and IHBET certificates and has a degree in English language and literature and marketing communications. She is currently taking the Course of Lifelong Learning at the Department of Drama in Education at DAMU, Prague.

Lucia Smataníková
Unlocking Language Learning: Teaching Meets Cognitive Research
Discover the secrets of learning! This workshop offers a concise and engaging overview of how our brain functions during the study process. Gain insights into the science behind learning and take away practical tips to enhance your teaching journey.

BIO: I am an English teacher holding a degree in English language studies. Curious about education and the learning process, I became curious about how the brain functions during language acquisition. This curiosity led to a dedicated exploration of cognitive and memory processes in learning, culminating in a master’s thesis that combined research-based insights with hands-on teaching experience.

Katarína Hrtánková
Using the YL coursebooks creatively
In the workshop we are going to look at why we need to be creative with the coursebooks and discuss some ideas and modifications of coursebook activities to make our teaching effective and reflecting our students' needs.

BIO: Katarina has been working for International House Bratislava for 20 years. She teaches different level courses and age groups, but her main professional interest is teaching young learners. She is a speaking examiner. Katarina currently works as YL ADOS at IH Bratislava.

Gabriela Ondušová
This workshop will focus on introducing the Erasmus+ IH BA Consortium opportunities for our partner schools (primary and grammar schools).

Vybrané workshopy boli pripravované účastníkmi mobility Erasmus+
Financovany EU

Povedali o nás

This has been a great & useful day :)

Wonderful tips and tricks you can take to your classrooms straightaway. It´s been great.

Dobrý deň, milé dámy a páni,
chcem sa poďakovať za nesmierne prínosnú a výborne zorganizovanú sobotnú konferenciu. Nakoľko som musela odísť o niečo skôr ako bol oficiálny koniec, neodovzdala som feedback, dovolím si teda aspoň touto formou zareagovať.
Hlavná téma s Olha Madylus o domácich úlohách bola nesmierne užitočná...prítomná som bola aj na session Assisting YLs with difficulties in learning English Alexandrosa Vagenasa, Videos Lydie Melnovej a Wortschatzarbeit Kristiny Klug - všetky boli veľmi fajn a helpful.
Som veľmi rada, že som sa konferencie zúčastnila, prajem celému organizačnému teamu veľa dobrých nápadov do budúcnosti a teším sa na ďalšie ročníky.
S pozdravom
Renáta B

It was great as usual :)

Thanks for the lovely & inspiring event.

Very inspiring, useful, resourceful. Thank you!

Dobry den prajem,
chceme sa velmi pekne podakovat za fantasticku konferenciu. Hodnotim ju ako profesionalne vyborne zorganizovanu, casovy harmonogram bol dodrzany, neboli meskania a prestoje. Vsetko plynulo hladko. Viem, ze je za tym kopec roboty a organizacie, aby vsetko klapalo.
Som velmi rada, ze sme sa jej zucastnili a tesime sa na dalsie rocniky.
S nasimi lektorkami sme sa zhodli, ze to bola uzitocne stravena sobota.
A ja osobne som rada, ze som sa konecne osobne zoznamila s pani Slavkou Novomestskou :)
Pekny tyzden prajem
S pozdravom
Mgr. Eva L.

Great conference as always. Thank you for organizing this :) Keep up the great work.

I really enjoyed today´s conference. Olha provided many interesting and inspiring thoughts that I´ve written down and will use in the future.

I thought the conference was well organised. The sessions were of adequate length (neither too long nor too short) and there were regular breaks between sessions which was nice. The sessions were interactive and good use was made of the breakout rooms. The topics were quite practical and a lot of ideas were exchanged.

The conference was very well organised, convenient and efficient. Useful and up-to-date topics, a good balance of lectures and practice (in groups), useful sharing amongst peer learners. Frankly, I got much more than I expected (even more than from some life conferences). I am looking forward to real ones, nevertheless. Thank you! Katarina

I am glad I attended this conference as it was a great experience not only because I was introduced to new teaching techniques but because it was really interesting to share tools with other teachers. I would be happy to attend the event again next year as I genuinely feel that sharing will enrich everyone with more knowledge.

Everything ran smoothly and was a great chance to do some digital professional development.  Thanks!

All the speakers provided me with very useful advice, highly applicable in my learning-teaching process. Moreover, it was a joy to be with them.  Thank you again.

Everything went well, the emails with the links were sent on time and I had no issue joining any of the sessions. The timing was respected with regular breaks.

Thank you for organising it. I had a great online time :) I used some of the ideas in my classes on Monday.

Thank you for this email with some useful information and especially nice photos. I enjoyed the conference very much.